Returns & Refunds

We allow up to 25 days from date of order to request a return, any return and refund queries outside this period will not be considered. No refund can be received on the delivery cost paid for by the customer, to receive this the customer must contact Royal Mail.



Returns postage is paid for by the customer unless we have made an error and the customer must ensure they have proof of postage when returning a product to us. When the return is obtained, we will process the refund or replacement product to ship this to the customer as soon as possible. The customer will not be refunded for the cost of postage.



Please note that no refunds or replacements will be issued if the customer dislikes the taste of our products as everyone has their own taste preferences or if the customer has eaten our products.

During hot weather there is a risk of the sweets slightly melting, especially when ordering internationally. Please order at your own discretion. 



All contact regarding refunds and returns must be sent via email or Instagram and please allow 2 working days for a response.